
  1. 教会:我们鼓励每个弟兄姐妹都委身于自己的教会,成为祷告争战精兵团队的一员。神愿我们都是忠心的圣徒。(来10:24-25)
  2. 圣灵:我们坚信圣灵在教会的工作。但不高举神迹奇事如说方言,医病赶鬼,说预言类似作为主导性的现象。(林前13:1-3;林前14章)
  3. 事奉:我们鼓励人人都在教会参于至少一个服事 (罗马12:11)。我们存着谦卑合一的心,以团队精神,绝不标榜个人主义乃是以教会的方向利益为重点。(林前12:14-26)
  4. 圣餐:我们欢迎已经受洗的弟兄姐妹领受。(林前11:17-34)
  5. 政治:我们要常为国家政治领袖祷告,也尊重每个人的政治立场。但请不要在教会或小组中从事政治活动或发表个人政治立场言论。避免引发不必要的冲突或对立。(提前2:1-2)
  6. 奉献:这是每个基督徒应尽的责任及蒙福的途径 (马拉基3:10)。捐得乐意的人,是神所喜爱的 (林后9:7)。也知道施比受更为有福 (使徒20:35)。
  7. 言语:不在私底下参于对人对教会有破坏性的沟通。 一切苛刻、恼怒、暴戾、嚷闹、毁谤,连同一切恶毒,都应当从你们中间除掉。(以弗4:31)
  8. 恋爱:教会不鼓励弟兄姐妹跟不信主的人谈恋爱和结婚,若是在教会里准备跟其他的弟兄姐妹谈恋爱,我们建议在一起共同服侍祷告一段时间再确定恋爱关系。在此之前,牧者愿意与你一起为此事祷告,寻求神的引导。(林后6:14)
  9. 推销:我们尊重金融,保险,产业,直销等职场从业人员,他们可以在初入教会和小组时简单介绍自己的职业,但不宜主动或强力向组员推销。若
  10. 借贷:会友间若有借贷或金钱来往时,请让牧者或组长知道,以作遮盖。(来13:17)

Ebenezer EFC Positional Statements

  1. The Church: We encourage all brothers and sisters to commit to their Church, and become a prayer warrior. God desires us to be his faithful disciples. (Heb 10:24-25)
  2. The Holy Spirit: We firmly believe the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church, but we do not seek to exalt miracles such as speaking in tongues, healing and casting out demons, or prophecy as the dominant phenomenon. (I Cor 13:1-3; I Cor 14)
  3. Service: We encourage everyone to participate in at least one Church ministry (Rom 12:11). We keep a humbled heart and work as a team. Never exalt individualism but focus on the direction in the interests of the Church. (I Cor 12:14-26)
  4. Holy Communion: We welcome brothers and sisters who have been baptized to receive. (I Cor 11:17-34)
  5. Politics: We pray often for the political leaders of our country, and respect each person’s political position. We do not encourage members to engage in political activities or make a personal political stand in the Church or in the group and members are encouraged to avoid triggering unnecessary conflict or confrontation. (1 Tim 2:1-2)
  6. Tithing: We worship God by honouring Him as our provider and remind ourselves that all of our resources belong to Him and are provided through His grace (Mal 3:10). God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:7), and it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).
  7. Speech: Do not participate privately in communications destructive to the Church or people. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. (Eph 4:31)
  8. Boy-Girl Relationship: The Church does not encourage brothers and sisters to engage in a relationship and marry unbelievers. When he/she wishes to enter into a relationship with fellow church-mate, we recommend that both serve and pray together before confirming their relationship. The pastors are willing to pray together for God’s guidance. (2 Cor 6:14)
  9. Marketing: We respect practitioners in the finance, insurance, property, and direct marketing industries. They can briefly introduce their professions when joining the Church and groups, but not to proactively market their products or services to the members. (Matt 21:12-13)
  10. Loans: If there is any loan or transaction between Church members, please inform the pastors or group leaders, so as to provide spiritual covering. (Heb 13:17)